Payment made as work progresses under a contract, upon the basis of costs incurred, of percentage of completion accomplished, or of a particular stage of completion. The term does not include payments for partial deliveries accepted by the Government under a contract or partial payments on contract...
Sales & Marketing3 | 8.1% Sales & Marketing - Risk 1Contracting with government entities exposes us to additional risks inherent in the government procurement process. We provide products and services, directly and indirectly, to a variety of government entities, both domestically and internationally....
Office of the Innovation and Promotion Committee in the Bank has collected 4,221 proposals, among which there were some important projects presented in eleven major innovation areas including cross-border RMB business, supply chain finance, E - loans online, mobile banking and non-card payments, ...
payments within 60 days. We also have a continual focus on ensuring that we pay our suppliers globally on time, within the payment terms agreed. In early 2020, we founded a Payment on Time Centre of Excellence to drive continuous improvements and efficiencies ...
In China, government initiatives are supporting demand. For personal lines business, Swiss Re projects less strong global premium growth of 2%. A main factor here will be weak demand for motor insurance in advanced markets, alongside an estimated 7% drop in premium volumes in China due to de-...
Nonetheless, it is generally accepted that cash flow is the lifeblood of construction contracting. Security of payment legislations have been enacted in many jurisdictions, with the primary aim of ensuring that payments due to the contractor and subcontractors are duly honored. This intention has ...
The six-month core PCE price index has been in the 2.3% annualized range for fourth month in a row (red): Inflation is festering in “core services.” The core services PCE price index accelerated to +0.29% (3.5% annualized). Th...
Based on the agreed-upon Schedule of Values discussed in the Bidding Stage, progress payments are made to the contractor on a regular basis, usually monthly. The central idea is that the contractor only gets paid for the value of the work in place, less any retainage agreed to. In ...
Under the terms of the agreement, Verastem Oncology received an upfront payment of $5 million (USD) and is eligible to receive aggregate payments of up to $42 million if certain development and sales milestones are successfully achieved, plus double-digit percentage royalties ...
Ivanhoe's DRC country manager, was appointed President of the Board of Directors of Kamoa Copper SA, the DRC operating company of the joint venture between Ivanhoe Mines, Zijin Mining, Crystal River and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo that is dev...