那么,使用Excel做前端展示,搭配Access或SQL Server做数据仓库就显得更为实用且大气了。这个阶段就是这么安排的,全面、实用地讲解ADO的使用、SQL语句的各种写法,做到真正精通VBA操作数据库的技术。别忘了,最后那个“固定资产管理系统”,可以很好地反映你的掌握程度。
鼠标右键在Commandbutton1控件上单击,在Click事件中,输入下面的代码: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() With Sheets("数据计算") cnum = .[AX1].End(1).Column For i = 1 To cnum a = .Cells(1, i).End(4).Row Me.Controls("progressbar" & i).Max = a Me.Controls("progressbar" & i)....
VBA Progress Bar Template.xlsm Table Of Contents Excel VBA Progress Bar in Excel Progress Bar shows us how much of a process has been done or finished. For example, when we run large sets of codes that require a larger execution time, we use the progress bar in VBA to show the user t...
Make your macros stand out by creating this beautiful VBA Progress Bar to illustrate the progress. This tutorial walks you through how to make the UserForm.
(hWnd, 0&, 'MsoWorkPane', '状态栏') StatusBarHWnd = hWnd End Function Public Sub test() Set c = New cProgressBar '实例化cProgressBar类 m_hWnd = StatusBarHWnd() '获取Excel状态栏句柄 c.CreateProgressBar m_hWnd, 90, 2, 200, 20, False, False '创建进度条 c.BackColor = vbWhite ...
Use the Status Bar as a Progress Indicator Use the Status Bar to show the user what the progress is in a long macro.
Progress bar with % completion on screen No way to get that information. This would require an ETA - something PQ doesn't provide. And assuming it could compute an ETA for queries where the Source is "under its control" i.e. an Excel table in the current workbook, this ...