Aspiring animators choose the 3D and Animation Program, which covers the first stages of production to texturing and final animation, using the latest software and tools including Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Nuke Studio, Arnold, and more. Graduates will leave the program with a port...
3D model sculpting: Using Adobe Substance, artists and designers can sculpt different 3D shaped models using virtual reality and on desktop environments. Additional features: You can work with features like noise sculpting and virtual reality. Additionally, this tool can drag any object when working ...
But I need it for Zbrush and Substance Painter. I don't wanna unhook it every time and move the cables between the computers when she wants to play Sims 4. I suppose I could get a switch and plug the Wacom into it, and plug it into both PC's and flip the switch when she wants...