Life is sweet for former prisoner Jiang Lei who is now working as a strawberry farmer. The 32-year-old recently received a windfall, 980 yuan (US$154.25), after selling his first batch of strawberries. He was released from Shanghai’s Qingpu Prison on December 16 last year. He is...
did not do drugs, was a really ideal young woman. Her only folly was seeing me against the wishes of her parents. she was taken with police escort to Casa By The Sea. For years i feared for her safety. I feel she was released from...
Life is sweet for former prisoner Jiang Lei who is now working as a strawberry farmer. The 32-year-old recently received a windfall, 980 yuan (US$154.25), after selling his first batch of strawberries. He was released from Sha...
In Western countries, such as Australia, for example, chaplains, instead of theologians, have assumed this role, in addition to counselling, education, vocational training, and psychological support to help inmates disengage from extremism. Also, Western countries generally have a structured approach ...
Some states do have training and grant programs specifically targeted at those recently released from incarceration. However, the dollar amount tends to be small and the programs aren’t widespread. Nonetheless, there are still funding resources for people with felony convictions, and understanding the...
Dog Training Programs have recently become a popular rehabilitative program within correctional facilities. They are present in all 50 states as well as many other countries. However, the empirical literature on the effectiveness of these popular programs is sparse. Using a cohort of inmates released...