Although a number of reviews have explored the effectiveness of non-pharmacological treatment programs for people in contact with the justice system who use substances, none specifically focus on amphetamine-type stimulants. This scoping review aims to address this gap by systematically mapping and ...
There are a surprising number of student loan assistance programs designed specifically for lawyers. Most student loan assistance for lawyers targets those working in public interest roles, such as prosecutors and public defenders. However, there are some programs that offer assistance to a broad cross...
Fortunately, eight government programs for energy efficiency, health, and safety can assist with much of the costs. Low-income families, single mothers, seniors, and people with disabilities often qualify for free equipment. Middle and upper-income households can also cut costs through financing, re...
HUD public housing, often used by people who don't qualify for Section 8 housing, requires you to rent from a local public housing authority based on your income. Wait times for both HCV and public housing programs maybe long, depending on where you are applying.40 ...
an effort through multiple federal agencies to ensure full participation in society of persons with disabilities. Part of the New Freedom Initiative was Executive Order 13217, which implemented the Olmstead decision by ensuring (among other things) that all people with disabilities, not just those wit...
Resources for housing, bills, medical, employment, food and other needs for low-income families in Washington.
This program finds jobs for adults who have disabilities. This includes people with autism. Every individual gets assessed to gauge which jobs would be suitable for them. The program also offers services for high school students who are preparing to enter the job market. Mailing Services One of...
For instance, DSM strategies can contribute to the voltage stability of distribution network [11] or the adjustment of end-use energy consuming behavior [12,13]. Electrical loads can be arranged to be turned on or off depending on how people consume. In particular, some types of load can ...
For instance,SNAPenables recipients to purchase more food,Medicaidprovides people with health care coverage, andPell grantmakes postsecondary education more affordable for students. Federal Welfare Spending (2023) In 2023, federal spending on 13 largest of these low-income programs — which account for...
Figure 1. Federal Spending on Benefits and Services for People with Low Income, FY2008-FY2013 Figure 2. Percent of Federal Spending by Major Category on Benefits and Services for People with Low Income, FY2008-FY2013 Figure 3. Federal Spending by Major Category on Benefits and Services for ...