Federal involvement in providing benefits and services for people with low income generally began in the first part of the 20thcentury, largely after the Great Depression overwhelmed the resources of states, local governments, and private organizations, which previously had borne primary responsibility fo...
The People's Plan for Overcoming the Hurricane Katrina Blues The Peoples' Plan is a strategic action plan for the recovery of the 9th Ward. It was created based on conversations with residents-some struggling to return home, others intent on remaining in a neighborhood that has always been the...
In road safety there has been a tension between passive strategies, which engineer safer environments, and behavioral strategies, which try to influence people to act more safely. Passive approaches have been emphasized over the last three decades, partly because of the weak behavioral technologies av...
but it will sometimes consider applications for locations outside of the DRA, if the employer can demonstrate people residing in the DRA will be better served as a result of granting the waiver.
Human papilloma virus is the most common sexually transmitted viral infection in the world [58,59]; most sexually active people come across at least one genotype of the virus during their lifetime [47]. Chronic HPV infection can lead to head and neck [60,61,62,63,64], skin [65,66,67...