CHAPTER 25 MOVING FROM C++ TO JAVA Many programmers learn C++ before learning Java. Unwittingly, one starts comparing the two languages. Since both the languages are object oriented and Java … - Selection from Programming with Java [Book]
Chapter 2, Working with Basic Elements - Threads and Runnables, explains how to work with the most basic elements to implement concurrent applications in the Java language: the Runnable interface and the Thread classes. With these elements, you can create a new execution thread that will be exe...
This book is a sound and complete introduction to programming and not just another Java reference book for those who already know how to program. Although the book uses Java, the same methods can be used for systematic programming in other languages, such as C, Fortran, and Pascal...
Chapter 1, Getting Started with Network Programming, introduces the essential network terminology and concepts. The networking support that Java provides is illustrated with brief examples. A simple client/server application is presented along with a threaded version of the server....
This book starts with a refresher on setting up and running Docker and details the basic setup for creating a Docker Swarm cluster. You will then learn how to automate this cluster by using the Chef server and cookbooks. (Limited-time offer)…...
Along with the library, an active community of developers has built up around RxJava and reactive programming to contribute to the project, speak, write, and help one another.This chapter will provide an overview of RxJava—what it is and how it works—and the rest of this book will take...
Network programming with Go 中文翻译版本 Effective Go Go 语言标准库 Golang标准库文档 Revel 框架手册 Java程序员的Golang入门指南 Go命令教程 Go语言博客实践 Go 官方文档翻译 深入解析Go Go语言圣经(中文版) (GitBook) Groovy 实战Groovy 系列 Haskell Real World Haskell 中文版 Haskell趣学指南 iOS iOS开发...
Java 3: Object-oriented programming Java 4: Java’s type system and collection classes Java 19: More algorithms and data structures Java 6: JDBC and database applications Java 10: Java2D, Drawing of the window Java 2: Programs with a graphical user interface Java 8: Multithreaded pr...
Network programming with Go 中文翻译版本 Effective Go Go 语言标准库 Golang标准库文档 Revel 框架手册 Java程序员的Golang入门指南 Go命令教程 Go语言博客实践 Go 官方文档翻译 深入解析Go Go语言圣经(中文版) (GitBook) golang runtime源码分析 Go语言实战: 编写可维护Go语言代码建议 Golang 系列教程(译) Go...
ImageJ - Medical image processing application with an API. JavaCV - Java interface to OpenCV, FFmpeg, and much more. Configuration Libraries that provide external configuration. avaje config - Loads yaml and properties files, supports dynamic configuration, plugins, file-watching and config event lis...