Raspberry Pi创始人执笔,是Raspberry Pi内幕发现之旅的私人指南,是学习Raspberry Pi知识库的专业级教练。 这本书按部就班地讲解每个组件,包括组件能做什么、为何需要它、该组件与其他组件的关系,以及组件创建过程中设计者面临的选择等。从内存、存储器和处理器,到以太网、相机和音频。Upton和Duntemann相互合作,确保读...
Electronics Kit 1 for Programming the Pico by Simon Monk - Pico Not Included Product ID: 5321 $19.95 75 in stock Order now to ship today Add to Cart Also include 1 x Programming the Pico: Learn Coding & Electronics w/ the Pico ($9.95) Also include 1 x Raspberry Pi Pico RP...
” Chan said. “You’ve been there for 20 years, you don’t even really know what a cellphone is or the internet. You’re just setting back people from being able to function in modern society even more.”
ArduinoThe latest version of Sketch is Sketch 3 (version 3.3.3 to be exact), and this book assumes that you are running this version. If you have an older version, you will need to update it. As mentioned, Sdoi:10.1007/978-1-4842-1458-9_2Simon Monk...
XP, it suggests, gains traction by re-embodying the habits of programming as a collective practice.doi:10.1023/B:COSU.0000014873.27735.10ADRIAN MACKENZIEComputing DepartmentSIMON MONKKluwer Academic PublishersComputer Supported Cooperative WorkMackenzie A, Monk S (2004) From cards to code: how extreme...