1967 – BCPL (C语言的祖先) 1968 – Logo 1969 – B (C语言的祖先) 1970 – Pascal 1970 – Forth 1972 – C C语言之所以命名为C,是因为 C语言源自Ken Thompson发明的B语言,而 B语言则源自BCPL语言。 1967年,剑桥大学的Martin Richards对CPL语言进行了简化,于是产生了BCPL(Basic Combined Programming Langu...
Lego LogoconstructivismAlthough Logo was expressly designed as a Mathematical language for use in Education its early versions were very logic-orientated. With the addition of Seymour Papert's 'turtle' the system became far more accessible to students and teachers. This paper explores some of the ...
Lux is a new programming language in the making.It's meant to be a functional, statically-typed Lisp that will run on several platforms, such as the Java Virtual Machine and JavaScript, Python, Lua, or Ruby interpreters.What's the current version?
programming language Programming languages Ada, Algol, BASICorBasic, C, C++, C#, COBOLorCobol, FORTHorForth, FORTRANorFortran, Haskell, Java, LISP, LOGO, Pascal, Perl, PL/1, Postscript, PROLOGorProlog, RPG, Simula, Smalltalk, SNOBOL, SQL ...
programming language Programming languages Ada, Algol, BASICorBasic, C, C++, C#, COBOLorCobol, FORTHorForth, FORTRANorFortran, Haskell, Java, LISP, LOGO, Pascal, Perl, PL/1, Postscript, PROLOGorProlog, RPG, Simula, Smalltalk, SNOBOL, SQL ...
The Wa Programming Language 简体中文|English Wa (Chinese name "凹", which pronounced "Wa") is a general-purpose programming language designed for for WebAssembly. The goal is to provide a simple, reliable, easy-to-use, statically typed language for high-performance web applications. The code ...
Logo Firstgenerationlanguages(1GL) Representtheveryearly,primitivecomputerlanguagesthat consistedentirelyof1'sand0's-theactuallanguagethatthe computerunderstands(machinelanguage). Logo Secondgenerationlanguages(2GL) Representastepupfromthefirstgenerationlanguages. ...
C# is a modern, innovative, open-source, cross-platform object-oriented programming language and one of the top 5 programming languages on GitHub. Do you have experience with JavaScript, Java, or C++? You'll find C# instantly familiar, and you'll enjoy its evolving features including type saf...
PXT is a framework for creating special-purpose programming experiences for beginners, especially focused on computer science education. PXT's underlying programming language is a subset of TypeScript (leaving out JavaScript dynamic features).The main features of PXT are:a Blockly-based code editor ...
CodinGame is a challenge-based training platform for programmers where you can play with the hottest programming topics. Solve games, code AI bots, learn from your peers, have fun.