lua_call 函数完成一次无保护的调用,它类似于 lua_pcall,不过在发生错误时,它会传播错误,而非返回错误代码。在一个应用程序中编写主函数时,不应使用lua_call,因为这样需要捕获所有的错误。而编写C函数时,通常可以用lua_call。若有错误发生,只需将错误留下。 当一个 C 函数从 Lua 收到一个字符串参数时,必须...
A bare-bones stand-alone Lua interpreter(一个简单的独立 Lua 解释器)(238) 2. The Stack(堆栈)(239) 1. Pushing elements(推动元素)(240) 2. Querying elements(查询元素)(241) 1. Dumping the stack(转储堆栈)(243) 3. Other stack operations(其他堆栈操作)(243) 1. Example of stack manipulation(...
Programming in Lua Fourth edition Programming in Lua Fourth edition 英文版(Lua程序设计) 立即下载 上传者: mmkd168 时间: 2017-11-23 Programming Python(4th) 无水印pdf Programming Python(4th) 英文无水印pdf 第4版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有...
Lua经典编程书籍, 编程指南.doc ,Lua程序设计_第二版_中文.dpf ,Programming in Lua, 2Nd Edition.pdf。 lua编程书籍,高清版,带目录,非常好的参考书 上传者:u011413408时间:2018-04-20 Programming in Lua, 3rd Edition.pdf Programming in Lua, 3rd Edition.pdf 英文版 ...
Lua 5.1 Reference Manual Programming In Lua (for version 5) Programming Gems Markdown Learn Markdown (PDF) (EPUB) (MOBI) - GitBookIO, Sammy P., Aaron O. Mathematica Basics of Algebra, Topology, and Differential Calculus Mathematica® programming: an advanced introduction by Leonid Shifrin Step...
Lua Lua 5.1 Reference Manual Programming in Lua (first edition) Wikibook Markdown Learn Markdown - Sammy P., Aaron O. (PDF) (EPUB) (MOBI) Mathematica Mathematica® programming: an advanced introduction by Leonid Shifrin Stephen Wolfram's The Mathematica Book Vector Math for 3d Computer Grap...
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Unfortunately, that didn't work as PlayOn didn't know what to do with its own URIs as input for a VideoResource in the Lua plugin API. I didn't want to get into the scraping, transcoding, and serving of files from the internet -- that's already done well and I didn't want to...
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