Programming in Lua is the official book about the language, g... (展开全部) 作者简介· ··· Roberto Ierusalimschy is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at PUC-Rio (the Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro), where he works with programming-language design and implementation...
~roberto/book/ --本书的更新勘误表,代码和例子。 另外本书针对Lua 5.0,如果你的版本不同,请查阅Lua手册或者版本间的差异。 约定: 1.字符串使用双引号,比如"literal strings";单字符使用单引号,比如'a';模式串也是用单引号,比如'[%w_]*'。 2.符号 --> 表示语句的输出或者表达式的结果: print(10) --...
花了一天的时间把全书浏览了一遍,对于之前完全没有接触过Lua的童鞋来说是很好的入门书籍。 看的是luachina翻译的245页中文版,总共是四篇29章+1章附录,建议多花点... 4 有用 读Roberto Ierusalimschy 之 Programming in Lua Roberto Ierusalimschy. Programming in Lua. URL: [
lua_call 函数完成一次无保护的调用,它类似于 lua_pcall,不过在发生错误时,它会传播错误,而非返回错误代码。在一个应用程序中编写主函数时,不应使用lua_call,因为这样需要捕获所有的错误。而编写C函数时,通常可以用lua_call。若有错误发生,只需将错误留下。当一个 C 函数从 Lua 收到一个字符串参数时,必须...
Programming in Lua, First Edition (Roberto Ierusalimschy) This book is the official book about the Lua language, giving a solid base for any programmer who wants to use Lua. It covers all aspects of Lua 5 - from the basics to its API with C - explaining how to make good use of it...
IfyouareagamedeveloperorageneralprogrammerwhowishestofocusonprogrammingsystemsandtechniquestobuildyourgameAIwithoutcreatinglow-levelinterfacesinagameengine,thenthisbookisforyou.KnowledgeofC++willcomeinhandytodebugtheentiretyoftheAIsandboxandexpandonthefeaturespresentwithinthebook,butitisnotrequired. ...
"Programming in Lua" is the official book about the language, giving a solid base for any programmer who wants to use Lua. Authored by Roberto Ierusalimschy, the chief architect of the language, it covers all aspects of Lua 5---from the basics to its API with C---explaining how to ...
Programming In Lua (for version 5) Programming Gems Markdown Learn Markdown (PDF) (EPUB) (MOBI) - GitBookIO, Sammy P., Aaron O. Mathematica Basics of Algebra, Topology, and Differential Calculus Mathematica® programming: an advanced introduction by Leonid Shifrin Stephen Wolfram's The Mathema...
Programming in Lua Roberto Ierusalimschy | , Published in 2003, 288 pages Object Oriented Programming using Java Simon Kendal | BookBoon, Published in 2009, 209 pages VB.NET Programming mkaatr |, Published in 2013, 261 pages Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interfa...
programs. This tutorial is geared specifically towards using Lua in World of Warcraft, so the book covers only the most relevant material, and covers a number of pitfalls and common mistakes that the reader may experience through the course of the book; even experienced users will find this ...