The Cyber-MAR Project: First results and perspectives on the use of hybrid cyber ranges for port cyber risk assessment. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). 2021, pp. 409–414. DOI: Jonkeren, O., ...
where the Head of HR & OD and the senior managers voiced their needs, enabling a suite of programme activities that were both relevant and applicable. We conducted a comprehensive industry analysis to identify specific leadership challenges in the nuclear engineering sector. We integrated academic...
Livingston, C., Klopper, B., Cox, S. & Uys, C., 2015, `The impact of an academic reading program in the Bachelor of Education (intermediate and senior phase) degree', Reading & Writing 6(1), 66-77.
The evaluation began in September of the 2008/09 school year and the final cohort was post-tested in June 2011. Children completed a pre-test before the start of the programme in September and the post-test assessment at the end of the programme in the following June. It was proposed ...
Foranexplanationofthevoluntarynatureofstandards,themeaningofISOspecifictermsand expressionsrelatedtoconformityassessment,aswellasinformationaboutISO’sadherencetothe WorldTrade01忘anization〔WTO)principiesintheTechnicalBarrierstoTrade(TBT),see皿皿且应a
Professor Shameem says the programme was drafted and written with the help of senior journalists and news media personnel in Fiji including Communications Fiji Limited Chairman William Parkinson, Sitiveni Halofaki from Fiji TV, former Fiji Sun Managing Editor Nemani Delaibatiki...
Client Service receipt Inventory (CSRI) [26] is a tool used to collect information on the range of services and supports participants may use (baseline, 8 months follow-up, 14 months follow-up). Daytime Activities Questionnaire (all assessment points). ...
The needs of children in care are a government priority, yet the evidence base for effective interventions to support the emotional wellbeing of children in care is lacking. Research suggests that supporting the carer-child relationship, by promoting the
Participant exclusion criteria are (i) identified as actively suicidal through risk assessment, (ii) current involvement in psychological therapy for anxiety or depression with CAMHS, or (iii) severe learning difficulties. Who will take informed consent? {26a} ...
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of cancer death in both males and females in England. A national bowel cancer screening programme was rolled out in England between 2006 and 2010. In the post-randomised controlled trials epoch, assessment