/*data buffer is set to 0, write row only ececute erase process */ ackCode =(CYRET_SUCCESS...
1. Flash Sector未擦除:在写入数据之前,需要先使用FLASH_EraseSector函数对要写入的扇区进行擦除。擦...
会。Pflash,就是program flash, 用来放代码或者数据的,programflash后程序会运行,在上电或者复位时让程序自动运行,这个过程需要启动引导程序Boot Loader 的参与。
I am trying to test the Flash Program Erase SDK sample, and every time it freezes at: Everything stops, on ret = FLASH_DRV_CheckProgramStatus after
However I am able to erase sectors at the very begining of the application firmware. 0 Kudos Reply 12-05-2024 01:30 AM 983 Views carlesls Contributor II I try to increase a value on the memory but to no avail... it writes a '0' instead of a '2'... 0 Kudos Re...
Solved: Posted on June 13, 2017 at 09:15 STM32L053 Nucleo Board. I am trying to program or erase board using ST-LINK_CLI.exe (Ver 1.3.0) / STM32-LINK
具体现象为 兼容模式 1k擦除后,使用FLASH_ProgramHalfWord函数写0x0800ff00地址及以后地址进入硬件错误中断,使用快写正常,原因不明。 即void Flash_Test(void) 函数异常,跑不过 void Flash_Test_Fast(void) 正常 0 2022-6-20 06:10:43 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 刀马旦 相关推荐 • 2530 FLASH的DMA读写看...
Huawei held its global IT Day online, with the theme of “Flash Only+ Accelerates All Industries.” Huawei launched Flash Only+, a program designed to make all-flash storage benefit industries faster.
(3)FLASH_EraseByte( ADDRESS ):在地址ADDRESS处删除1字节的内容 4、操作步骤 使用操作前的配置 (1)配置选择编程时间,选择标准模式; (2)解除数据存储区域的写保护; 说明:UBC和DATA MEMORY都有写保护,其中UBC的写保护是永远无法解锁的,而DATA MEMORY的写保护是可以通过连续写入两个MASS密钥值来解除该区域的写保护...