The transformations of the configuration state functions is supported for one, two, and three open shell structures including open s, p, d, and f-shells. For shells with l > 3 (i.e. beyond the f-shells), however, a proper transformation of the antisymmetrized shell states can be carried...
Hoppity: Learning Graph Transformations to Detect and Fix Bugs in ProgramsICLR2020no Applying Deep Learning Algorithm to Automatic Bug Localization and RepairSAC2020no Evaluating Representation Learning of Code Changes for Predicting Patch Correctness in Program RepairASE2020yes ...
Boigelot, B.: On iterating linear transformations over recognizable sets of integers. Theor. Comput. Sci. 309(1), 413–468 (2003) Article MathSciNet Google Scholar Boigelot, B., Wolper, P.: Symbolic verification with periodic sets. In: Dill, D.L. (ed.) CAV 1994. LNCS, vol. 818...
doom-bhaiya / AIProgramming Public forked from danielmapar/AIProgramming Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 AI Programming with Python Nanodegree Program: ...
This project isn't limited to GLSL features. An extension system, based on the GLSL extension conventions, provides extended capabilities: matrix transformations, quaternions, data packing, random numbers, noise, etc... This library works perfectly with OpenGL but it also ensures interoperability with...