Here, instead of using the simple variables, we will be dealing in terms of the pointers.#include <iostream> using namespace std; //Swap function to swap 2 numbers void swap(int *num1, int *num2) { int temp; //Copy the value of num1 to some temp variable temp = *num1; //...
Swapping of adjacent bits in C++: Here, we are going to learn how to swap adjacent bits of a number?Submitted by Saksham Bhayana, on December 12, 2018 Problem statement: C++ program to swap all odd bits with even bits (swap adjacent bits). Every even positiC++ program to swap all ...
Write a complete C program that obtains two integers from the user, saves them in the memory, and calls the function void swap (int *a, int *b) to swap the two integers. Write a C program to add two integer numbers. Write a program that reads the integer...
In the below code, define the “calculate_Gcd()” function to calculate the GCD of two numbers. It takes two integer parameters, “a” and “b”. It will check whether the “b” is equal to the “0”, then return the “a”. Otherwise, the “calculate_Gcd()” function recursively ...
In the main() function, we are creating an object S of class SwapNumber, reading the number inputted by the user using getNumber() function, and finally calling the swapNumber() member function to swap last and the first digit of the inputted number. The swapNumber() function contains ...
I have written above pieace of code to simply swap two numbers.But is is asking me to use scanf_s instead scanf.Y is it so...?Please reply me asapAll replies (6)Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:50 AM ✅AnsweredHi BijalPatel,
C++ Programming Help Write a function that accepts a pointer to a C-string as an argument and calculates the number of words contained in the string as well as the number of letters in the string. C Write A CPP program for t...
cpp tutorials Here we will learn how to write a C++ program inorder to check the given number is ARMSTRONG or not. C++ program to find Armstrong number C++ PROGRAM TO CHECK GIVEN NUMBER IS ARMSTRONG NUMBER OR NOT #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> int main(){ int num,r,sum,temp; for...
Swap_1.c Basic_Examples Swap_2.c Basic_Examples Swapping(without using extra variable).cpp Added Swapping(without using extra variable).cpp Temperature.c Basic_Examples TemperatureSwitch.c Added a program for temperature switch using c algorithm TernaryOperator.c Added Ternary Operator Trif.c...
Swap.class Swap_numbers.class Swap_without_using_third_variable.class Table.class Test.class Test2.class Test3.class Test_Abstraction.class Test_Abstraction1.class ToDeleteUpperCase.class To_Delete_Repitition.class Two_Number.class U.class Uni_value.class...