The setting default program to open files(pictures, MP3, rmvb, avi, etc.) in Windows 10 is mostly the same as that of Windows 8 and Windows 7, but there are some minor changes. You may not know the initial settings, let us take a look together and see what has changed. There are ...
Some image files (JPEG) will open in Photoshop, but with the errormessage. One function that will not work is to create new layers. Ihave tried uninstalling and re-installing PS but the problem persists. I am using a PC runni...
In version (10.0.10240), the version of Powershell is 5.0.10240.16384, while in Windows 10 (10.0.10586), the version of Powershell is PSVersion 5.0.10586.122, and this is the version that does not run command. I would like to know if it is possible to downgrade Powershell 5.0.10586....
In the Application Registration section of the window desktop documentation the suggested method for adding a program to the “Open With” context menu is using a SupportedTypes registry key. Summary Both methods work on Windows 7, but neither seems to be working on Windows 8. Some may ...
When you double-click on a file in Windows, it will automatically open a default program that is configured to manage these types of files. It is common, though, want or need to use a different program to open a particular type of file. This tutorial will explain how to open a file ...
Methods to Resolve “The File Is Open In Another Program Error” Error in Windows 10. When you open a file on a computer, it loads up in your RAM. That’s why when the file is open, you can neither change the actual location of the file nor can delete it. All you can do is ma...
Step 1:Open Control Panel, and go to the Windows Firewall. Make sure you'veturned on Windows Firewall in Windows 10. If not, turn it on. Step 2: Click theAllow an app or feature through Windows Firewalllink on the left pane. ...
I am using a WIN 10 OS desktop pc, running the latest version of Photoshop 2021(version 22.5.1) and I am getting an error message from Photoshop everytime that I try to open a .PSD file from my own computer's hard drive. The Adobe Photoshop error ...
These methods configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate Office program for all users. Method 1 - Use the Folder Options tool Note If you are running Windows NT 4.0, you may not be able to use the following procedure to configure Internet Explorer to open Office files...
Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey 'The network path was not found.' [PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows 10 default web browser to IE using PowerShell?