#include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;intmain(){charch;cout<<"Enter a character in lowercase: ";cin>>ch;ch=ch-32;cout<<"Entered character in uppercase: "<<ch;return0;} Output: Example 2: Program to convert Lowercase String to Uppercase String In this program user is asked to enter a ...
C program – Conversion of a String from lowercase to uppercase /* C Program to convert Lower case * String to Upper case. * Written by: Chaitanya */#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>intmain(){charstr[25];inti;printf("Enter the string:");scanf("%s",str);for(i=0;i<=strlen(str...
/*Java program to convert string into Lowercase and Uppercase*/importjava.util.*;classConvertCasePrg{publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs[]){Scanner sc=newScanner(System.in);Stringstr="";//input stringSystem.out.print("Enter any string: ");str=sc.nextLine();//declaring objects to store lowerca...
In the main() function, we are creating an object S of class String, reading a string by the user using the function getString(), and finally calling the upperercase() member function to change the case from lowercase to the uppercase of the given string. The uppercase() function ...
C Program To Convert Lowercase String To Uppercase | 4 Ways C Program To Sort Even And Odd Elements Of Array | C Programs C Program Number Of Alphabets, Digits & Special Character In String | Programs C Program To Sort Array Elements In Ascending Order | 4 Ways C Program To Find Last ...
3. Using for loop and (islower()? toupper():tolower()) function replace lowercase characters by uppercase & vice-versa. Store this in the variable ch. 4. Print the variable ch as output and exit. advertisement Runtime Test Cases
that takes a sequence of characters from the console, converts all lowercaseinput letter to uppercase, and sends it to the screen. Characters other thanletters are not modified.2. Write a Java program that takes its input from a file, compresses it and writes...
C++ Program to Compare Two Strings Without Using Pointers C++ Program to convert first letter of each word of a string to uppercase and other to lowercase C++ Program to Find Substring in String (Pattern Matching) C++ Program to Remove Spaces From String ...
Program To Print Characters In A String in C C Program to Swap Two Numbers C Program For Inserting an Element In an Array Conditional Operator in C Ternary Operator in C Bubble Sort Program in C Convert uppercase to lowercase Random function in C ...
In this program user asks to convert all characters that are contained in a file to uppercase. To make this process user need to make a file and fill up some characters in it for operation. User declares the variables. And then put up a function to open