Stunting or chronic undernutrition is a consequence of a lack of nutrition for a long time. Stunting is still a main isu in developing countries such as Indonesia. According to SSGBI 2021, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia was decreased from 2019 to 2021 that is ...
But Reni Suwarso, the director of Institute for Democracy, Security and Strategic Studies said the stunting rate in Indonesia is still far from the target of a 14% reduction in 2024. According to the 2023 Indonesian Health Survey, the national stunting prevalence was 21.5%, down around 0.8% ...
IMPLEMENTATION OF STUNTING PROGRAM IN INDONESIA: A NARRATIVE REVIEWdoi:10.20473/jaki.v10i1.2022.143-151Zaleha, SitiIdris, HaerawatiIndonesian Journal of Health Administration / Jurnal Administrasi Kesehatan Indonesia
Monitoring and evaluation of childhood stunting reduction program based on fish supplement product in North Sumatera, Indonesiadoi:10.1038/s41598-024-61462-zThe government of Serdang Bedagai Regency initiated a supplementation program to reduce the high prevalence of stunting in the area by delivering ...
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the community's disruption of nutrition and health services, including the closure of an integrated healthcare center (posyandu) in many areas in Indonesia. Posyandu plays an important role in nutrition services, particularly in detecting and managing...
Stunting is one of the nutritional problems faced in the world, including Indonesia. To overcome this problem, the government conducted a program to accelerate stunting prevention in 100 priority districts / cities through specific and sensitive nutrition interventions including health and non-health ...
While the free lunch program is a tangible measure to combat stunting, active involvement from the impacted individuals is crucial to guarantee the efficiency and equity of this program. Challenges in implementing participatory justice are the credibility of public involvement, d...
Background: Stunting is included in the category of chronic nutritional problems in children which is currently a top priority for nutritional problems in Indonesia. The condition of stunting can be described through the nutritional status of under-five during the grow...