First you need to specify a JlinkScript: To use the script with uVision follow the following guide: After that you should be able to flash the other STM32...
Specifically, the chips are STM32F303CB and STM32F030K6. I have two boards with the f303, both have genuine chips and both used to work. The F030 is a new board, but the Jlink can see it fine. I previously programmed an F030 on a breakout board, which worked...
还有一种办法进行确认,就是通过 STM32CubeProgrammer 连接设备后,通过查看 Option bytes 的RDP寄存器,F4 有三个等级可选,F1 的话,只有处于与不处于读保护的状态,经过测试,使能读保护之后,可以通过 STLINK 重新取消读保护,也就是对应着保护级别1。 正常情况下,在STM32CubeProgramer通过ST-LINK连接设备后,读取到空...
Copy J-Link Commander (JLink.exe) and the J-Link DLL (JLinkARM.dll) in the same directory as the unzipped package Start Blinky_50_200.bat --> Two leds blink fast Start Blinky_400_800.bat --> Two leds blink slow Best regards Erik Files STM32F4-Discovery.zi...
软件J-Flash(如果使用ST-Link,则烧写软件为STM32 ST-LINKUtility),查看设备管理,确认已识别到J-Link(此J-Link为给固件损坏的J-LinkV9烧写固件的..., programmed and verified successfully”(不同版本的J-Flash可能不一样)。至此,J-LinkV9固件烧写已完成,又可以继续用了。 最后,谨记:如果提示 ...
i use at STM32H743xI/G in IAR EWARM and now i moved 64 bytes using the USB to the application and i tried to extend the buffer to 2K and its not working do you have any solution for me? thanks, hadar 0 Kudos Reply 10-14-2019 06:28 AM 23,746 Views Kratz C...
STM324xG_EVAL STM32F4-Discovery Applications Demonstrations Examples ADC BSP DAC DMA FLASH/FLASH_EraseProgram EWARM Project.ewd Project.ewp Project.eww startup_stm32f407xx.s stm32f407xx_flash.icf Inc MDK-ARM SW4STM32 Src TrueSTUDIO
Sun Apr 19, 2020 14:03:44: Loaded macro file: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.2\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32H7xxx.mac Sun Apr 19, 2020 14:03:44: JLINK command: ProjectFile = C:\projects\mcu\version\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32H743I_EVA...
I could also work with JlinkExe. But the steps are not clear for me. E.g. Using JLink EXE. Is there some simple jlink script, which I can use to program the option bytes (i want to change the boot bits) Thank you so much for the help! I'm really lost!...
After reaching a breakpoint, I can single-step 2 or 3 times before JLink errors out with a 'program 1 over 0' message-Are there any suggestions as to what the cause might be? (Unfortunately, I appear not to be able to force the use of my limited number of hard breakpoints...