The proposal earmarks $100 million in one-time funds to make the pilot a reality, which Hollins admits is a large request in a year where lawmakers are not crafting a state spending plan. But she said it could be scaled back to $5 million, though that would mean fewer people would par...
Partners are advised to stop retrieving and updating these fields. The Profile Edit API for these fields will still return 200 but will not perform the update action.توسيع الجدول V1V2 /people/~/interests interests - /people/id={ID} /people/~/proposal-...
Complicating the situation further, one budget proposal would cut $750 million from the nearly $12 billion program, which would eliminate tens of thousands of spots. All the uncertainty has spooked some workers into considering looking for what “they believe is...
/people/~/proposal-comments contactInstructions - /people/id={ID} /people/~/volunteer/supported-organizations volunteeringInterests.supportedNonprofits - /people/id={ID} /people/~/volunteer/opportunities associations - /people/id={ID} legacyHonors - /people/id={ID} specialties - /people/id={ID}...