Program Meaning No matter how you spell it, program (or programme) can mean various things. But, the version of the spelling (and the context you use it in) is highly dependent upon which country you are in. Let’s explain below. Program In American English, “program” is a noun and...
French programme agenda, public notice, from Greek programma, from prographein to write before, from pro- before + graphein to write — more at carve First Known Use Noun 1633, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Verb 1846, in the meaning defined at sense 1a Time Traveler The first known...
There is very common confusion about the meaning and spelling of these two words. “Program” is US English. It is used for every meaning of the word may be a noun or maybe the verb. “Programme” is the word in UK English. It is also used for every meaning of the word noun as w...
“An Irish scientist will feature in a BBC television programme on Wednesday night, to discuss the apparent health benefits of eating fermented foods.”—The Victoria News Do you find it easy to tell the difference between program and programme? It’s fun to discover the differences between Amer...
What’s the meaning of American , British and Australia English ? Straigt to the point , are program and programme the same words ? And which word is more suitale to use internationally? Michael January 15, 2011 at 2:25 am Oh Mikey. ...
Using Bullet Points ( • ) 'Gray' vs. 'Grey': What is the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine ...
Programme or Program? The difference between the spellings "program" and "programme" primarily lies in the variant of English being used: Program: This spelling is used in American English for all contexts, including computing (e.g., computer programs) and broadcast media (e.g., television ...
(programmed,programming)[transitive]1to put a set of instructions into a computer or othermachineto make it perform a particular taskprogram something to do somethingThe computer is programmed to calculate the likely loss of revenue in various imaginary situations.2the American spelling ofPROGRAMME→ ...
"pertaining to or of the nature of a program," 1847, fromprogram(n.), probably with awareness that it is from Greekprogramma(genitiveprogrammatos), +-ic. Related:Programmatically. programme seeprogram. programmer(n.) 1890, "event planner," agent noun fromprogram(v.). Meaning "person who ... explain the meaning of.How do you interpret these lines of the poem?interpretar show or bring out the meaning of (ega piece of music) in one's performance of it.The sonata was skilfully interpreted by the pianist.interpretar ...