Asia, and Australia. They ranged from high school student to associate professor, coming from a diverse field of interests and backgrounds, such as digital signal processing, computer music, computer science, music theory, computational musicology, music psychology, music performance, music and mathemat...
HSPHalal Snack Pack(Australia) HSPHamburger Schreib-Probe(German writing sample diagnostic) HSPHealth Service Provider HSPHenoch-Schoenlein Purpura(inflammation of small blood vessels) HSPHoog Sensitieve Personen(Dutch: Highly Sensitive People)
EAPElite Athlete Program(University of Sydney; Australia) EAPEarly Adopter Program EAPEmergency Action Procedures(US DoD) EAPEmployees by Assigned Position(various organizations) EAPEnterprise Architecture Planning EAPEngineers Against Poverty EAPEvent Action Plan(various organizations) ...
“Inlämning”), inklusive på profilsidor eller på Programmets interaktiva produkter eller tjänster, som t.ex. anslagstavlor och andra forum, och chattar, kommentarer och andra meddelandefunktioner.Inlämningaråterspeglar endast åsikterna hos den användare som ...
TEPTertiary Enabling Program(Australia) TEPTrans-Equatorial Propagation(radio) TEPTraded Endowment Policy(UK) TEPTracheoesophageal Puncture TEPTau Epsilon Phi(fraternity) TEPTrade Enhancement Programme(various locations) TEPTechnical Engineering Plan(US DoD) ...
The results support earlier findings that participating in a short-term restorative programme appears to reduce the need for ongoing home care. The implementation of such programmes more broadly throughout Australia could substantially offset the projected increase in demand for home care associated with...
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 family members, service navigators, and service providers in a multicultural community in South Western Sydney, Australia. This qualitative study is an implementation evaluation which formed as part of a larger, two-site, randomised controlled trial of ...
UNE has a well-earned reputation as one of Australia's great teaching, training and research universities. UNE is at the forefront of online and flexible learning, with over 20,000 students currently competing some or all of their studies online.No matter where you are, you have access to ...
The Bachelor of Theology (Honours) is a one-year programme for high-achieving students who have completed the Bachelor of Theology pass degree or equivalent. Students will undertake a focused research project framed by one-on-one supervision, and engage in an in-depth study of an area of theo...
Den anpassade anslutningsguiden innehåller många alternativ för hur du definierar anslutningsprogrammets funktioner och hur den visas i logikappar, flöden och appar. Vi förklarar användargränssnittet och täcker några alternativ i det här avsnittet, men vi uppmanar dig ...