PROGRAM TO DISPLAY QUEUE OPERATIONSprogram of queue operations
处于维护模式时,System Center Operations Manager 会在程序运行时禁用警报。 展开表 类型: Boolean Position: Named 默认值: None 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False -DisableProgram 将此参数设置为 $true 可暂时禁用包含此程序的所有部署。 还可以使用 Disable-CMProgram cmdlet。 展开表 类型...
For example, because Silverlight has a single UI thread, it has a single Dispatcher object that holds a queue of work items for the UI. Using the Dispatcher will allow you to update the UI from a non-UI thread. This code will allow you to update a UI element—MyListBox—with a ...
In contrast, a CPU-bound problem performs fewer I/O operations, and its total execution time depends on how quickly it can process the required data. For the purposes of this example, you’ll use a somewhat silly function to create a piece of code that takes a long time to run on the...
For example, because Silverlight has a single UI thread, it has a single Dispatcher object that holds a queue of work items for the UI. Using the Dispatcher will allow you to update the UI from a non-UI thread. This code will allow you to update a UI element—MyListBox—...
std::cout << "Running on: "<< deviceQueue.get_device().get_info<cl::sycl::info::device::name>()<< std::endl; The queue task submission code is roughly as follows: u->queue.submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& cgh) { cgh.single_task<class my_kernel>([=](...
In the Single-Program, Multiple-Data (SPMD) pattern, all the nodes of the execution platform run the same program, but they either apply the same operations on different data and/or they follow different execution paths within the program. ...
If a running CL program is recompiled with *YES specified for the REPLACE parameter, message queue errors may occur in the running CL program. Specifying *YES on this parameter causes the values on the USRPRF and AUT parameters to be ignored. The existing program is used as the source of...
Many applications that exhibit this aspect of locality perform repeated operations on very large data sets that are stored in dynamic data structures that do not change shape radically over short periods of time. Example applications of this sort include graphics processing, computer simulation, circuit...
Queue properties Out-of-order execution Yes Profiling Yes Prefer user sync for interop Yes Profiling timer resolution 1ns Execution capabilities Run OpenCL kernels Yes Run native kernels Yes printf() buffer size 16777216 (16MiB) Built-in kernels (n/a) ...