当你在命令行中遇到错误 "error: program 'make' is not found in path" 时,这通常意味着 make 程序没有安装在你的系统上,或者它没有被正确地添加到你的系统路径(PATH)中。下面我将按照你提供的提示,分点给出详细的解答和可能的解决方案: 确认make 程序是否已安装: 要检查 make 是否已经安装在你的系统上...
一、前言 报错:Program "make" is not found in PATH 二、解决方案 方法一:适配编译器版本 方法二: 编译器版本不对,需要更新一下,更新到最新版本即可(新版本兼容旧版本,旧版本不可以用于新版本) 更新:help-install new software 注,建议以后所有工程换电脑时,不要直接复制粘贴,要选择导入,并选择copy一份到工作...
我现在用的是第三方开发的工程包,是带Bios的,导入到自己的CCSV5的环境下后编译就提示Program "make" is not found in PATH,我目前的编译器编译命令都是gmake,然后网上查找后说是编译器版本不对,要c6000v7.4,我在TI官网上下了一个ti_cgt_c6000_7.4.4_setup_win32.exe的安装包,安装到D:\CCS5.1\ccsv...
Cocos2dx 报错:Error: Program "make" is not found in PATH 在eclipse中,右击项目-》属性-》C++ Build中去掉默认的编译方法make,改成->android-ndk-r10d\ndk-build.cmd,即可。 但是有可能会报错: Cocos2dx Android环境编译出错:jni/Android.mk: Cannot find module with tag 'scripting/lua-bindings' in impor...
According to VOLIB_C64P_Users_Manual.chm, there are some examples. The ECU Unit Test Project (test_rel_c64Ple_C64PLE_LE_COFF) is experiencing difficulty loading and building. It shows "Program make is not found in PATH". (Code Composer Studio Version: 5...
CCS: Error: Program "make" is not found in PATH Karl Seeler Prodigy90points Tool/software:Code Composer Studio I am attempting to compile the example eqep_pos_speed for the LaunchPad-F28377S using CCS v7. The example compiled using CCS v6.2 but now I re...
eclipse cdt插件,开发c/c++程序,编译时报错Program "make" not found in PATH 经查C:MinGWbin下确实...
# makefor dir in tools examples post post/cpu ; domake-C $dir _depend ; donemake[1]: 进入目录 屌丝2022-01-13 06:42:23 YRX-E2STUDIO-1U COMPILERRXE2STUDIO 2023-03-22 19:59:39 CubeIDE - Ubuntu上的系统环境变量问题求解 :Program"make" notfoundin PATHPATH=[/opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.3...
got an error when i build my project error :- Program "make" not found in PATH i cross check properties and i put the address where all makes are located. despiteof doing this get the same error when build the project 4 REPLIES
DEAR ALL: 在用CCS工具编译DM368开发包自带的UBL工程时,出现如下错误:Program"make " is notfoundinPATH请问这个PATH环境变量需要如何设置呢? 吔屎蛋拉雷2018-06-21 03:20:07 建立MSP432TiRTOS空白项目时出现错误 请问是什么原因? -Rtos ***"D:\\Code Composer Studio\\ccsv6\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all...