The use of the program logic model as an integrative framework for analysis is illustrated in a multimethod evaluation of Project TEAMS, a middle school curriculum delivery program. The logic model was used to: (a) focus the data collection activities on relevant activities and outcomes, (b) or...
Using a case example of one of the mental health agencies in Florida, we demonstrate the utility of concept mapping for developing a program logic model and articulating a program theory for program assessment. The results of the concept mapping procedure enabled identification of 100 program service...
5.2 Step 2: Clarify Program Logic 5.2.1 Logic model The Logic model is often used for analyzing Program Logic. Resources → Activities → Outputs → Outcomes → Impact It said NPOs will Leverage resources to carry out activities that produce certain outputs. These outputs lead to the sought af...
2.logic programming- creating a program that enables the computer to reason logically logic programing computer programing,computer programming,programing,programming- creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-201...
One framework for representation that is now widely used in the field of program evaluation is the program logic model. This article presents an example of how qualitative data were used to refine a logic model for the Cornell Family Development Training and Credentialing (FDC) Program. This ...
Using concept mapping to develop a logic model and articulate a program theory: a case example. Am. J. Eval. 25, 191-207.Yampolskaya S., Nessman T., Hernández M., Koch D.: Using concept mapping to develop a logic model and articulate a program theory: a case example. Am. J. ...
文档标题《Program Planning Purpose Statements, Goals, Objectives and Logic Models[项目规划用途声明,目的,目标和逻辑模型]》,总页数为43页,主要介绍了与Program Planning Purpose Statements, Goals, Objectives and Logic Models[项目规划用途声明,目的,目标和逻辑模型]相关的资料,希望对大家有用,欢迎大家浏览!
A logic model for social norms intervention is described. The model was applied to social norms interventions to prevent hazardous use of alcohol and the attendant adverse consequences among college and university students, with the National Social Norms Institute embedding the tactical within the strate...
fidelity to the model or to make necessary course corrections.Given the extraordinary nature of events in 2020, we recommend reviewing all of your logic models to see if they are still relevant.If you’re trying to determine whether to update your logic model, here are some questions to ask...
func glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES()Deprecated func glLogicOp(GLenum)Deprecated func glMapBufferOES(GLenum, GLenum) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer! func glMapBufferRange(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, GLbitfield) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer!Deprecated func glMapBufferRangeEXT(GLenu...