Java is quite old language and not all principles was implemented in a correct way. At the same time large amount of frameworks make situation even more complicated for developers. In this talk we will discuss inheritance, modern view on OOP, usefulness of interfaces and abilities provided with...
In [14], a hybrid single-objective method has been suggested using the combination of the gray wolf algorithm (GWOA) and GA. The proposed method combines a swarm-based algorithm with an evolutionary algorithm to sort out the SMC problem. The classic GWOA was discretized and adapted for the...
systems, MURSIW (multiple reader single writers) for predominantly read-only systems like access control, MVCC (multiversion concurrency control) for write heavy systems, and two real-time transaction managers for hard real-time systems: High priority earliest deadline first, and priority inheritance...
Inheritance, Gene Expression, and Valencene Quantification in a Mandarin Hybrid Deficient in Valencene Synthase CsTps1We have discovered that in Murcott mandarin (hybrid) expression of the gene encoding valencene synthase (; EC: is severely reduced. Valencene synthase () catalyzes ...