As the targets of public health actions have expanded 211u001ebeyond infectious diseases to include chronic diseases, violence, emerging 211u001epathogens, threats of bioterrorism, and the social contexts that influence health 211u001edisparities, the task of evaluation has become more complex. CDC...
3.Focustheevaluationdesign 4.Gathercredibleevidence 5.Justifyconclusions 6.Ensureuseandsharelessonslearned Adaptedfrom:CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention. FrameworkforProgramEvaluationinPublicHealth.MMWR 1999;48(RR11):1-40 Setting HealthCouncilevaluation“retreats” ...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health in 1999 to aid in evaluation planning, implementation, and use of findings. The Framework summarizes the basic elements of program evaluation via interrelated steps and standards...
This chapter discusses a resource planning model for determining the efficient allocation of inputs among competing medical care programs that would, on average, lead to maximum improvement in population health status. The focus of the model is on how individual preferences for alternative program outc...
Public health practitioners in Minnesota developed and implemented a population-based public health practice model for community assessment, program planning, and evaluation. The ultimate goal of this process is improvement in population health. Major challenges to the implementation of a population-based ...
About the Program The Program in Health Care Financing seeks to develop a systematic framework for the evaluation of health systems, as well as perform interdisciplinary research focusing on the relationship between economic development and health. The Program has a small core staff and operates ...
Patient-Centered Medical Home Demonstration: A Prospective, Quasi-Experimental, Before and After Evaluation A patient-centered medical home (PCMH) demonstration was undertaken at 1 healthcare system, with the goals of improving patient experience, lessening staff... RJ Reid,PA Fishman,O Yu,... -...
data and applying program evaluation models in Health Profession Education. She has been involved in establishing several accreditation agencies and has been a member of the Accreditation Committee for Undergraduate Medical Education program in Iran. She is an Editorial Board Member atBMC Medical ...
Public Health Nursing, 29(3): 218-231.Schaffer MA, Goodhue A, Stennes K, Lanigan C. Evaluation of a public health nurse visiting program for pregnant and pa- renting teens. Public Health Nurs. 2012 May-Jun;29(3):218-31. Erratum in: Public Health Nurs. 2012 Jul;...
Health literacy training for public health nurses in fukushima: a case-study of program adaptation, implementation and evaluation. Goto A, Lai AY, Rudd RE. Health literacy training for public health nurses in Fukushima: a multi-site program evaluation. Japan Med Assoc J 2015;58:... A Goto,...