Based on the data analysis and findings at each stage of development, it is concluded that the learning program stages which have improved MM and also enhanced the MMA of physics teacher candidates consist of learning orientation phase; orientation to the problem; pre-experimental brainstorming; ...
The formulated problem in this reseach wether application cooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improve ability to analize element of legend story of fifth grade students SDN 034 Sukajadi Pekanbaru? The aim of this reseach is to improve ability to analize element of ...
Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penerapan metode Experiential Learning dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi pada siswa kelas V SDN Bratan 3 Surakarta ... H Munawaroh 被引量: 0发表: 2016年 ANALISIS PERAN PENDIDIKAN INFORMAL MELALUI PROGRAM LINGKUNGAN KELUARGA DAN PENGASUHAN ALTERNATIF MENUJU JO...
Based on the results of several scholars, Bandung City has the best practices in urban farming compared to other cities in Indonesia; one of the factors that led to success is the commitment and cooperation of the Bandung City government and stakeholders, which formed a policy network to ...
(henceforth; MAN 1 Pekanbaru), since this school is considered one of the best Islamic-based schools in Pekanbaru City, and has become the exampler for a Child-Friendly School since 2015. This research aims at investigating: (1) the form of students’ destructive behavior in learning process...
Model pembelajaran yang mampu merubah cara berfikir mahasiswa adalah model pembelajaran Problem Base-Learning (PBL). Pembelajaran PBL terdiri dari lima tahap yaitu orientasi masalah, organisasi masalah, investigasi mandiri, penyajian hasil karya, dan evaluasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk ...
This study is aimed to describe the communication strategy at the Open University Distance Learning Programs Unit Kendari (UPBJJ-UT) to fosters register behavioral on non basic education program, analyzing the effect of the characteristics on the effectiveness of the communication process and the effec...
Tuna nut cookies are cookies innovated from product development techniques, using simple technology, processed based on the standardization of processing hygiene and food safety quality standards. The purpose of activities is to earn income, place of learning, improve skills, create jobs, and create ...
Teaching And Learning Vocabulary At The Fourth Grade Elementary School 2 Demaan Kudus 2013/2014 Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Bahasa Internasional Yang Digunakan Di Negara-Negara Di Seluruh Dunia, Termasuk Indonesia. Hal Yang Paling Mendasar Untuk Menguasai Bahasa Inggris Adalah Kosa Kata. Akan Lebih Baik ...
This research aims to improve student activity and learning outcomes through project-based learning in the CNC I course of the D3 Production Mechanical Eng... N Susanti,W Kurniawan 被引量: 0发表: 2020年 PENINGKATAN AKTIVITAS BELAJAR PADA PEBELAJARAN IPA MENGGUNAKAN METODE EKSPERIMEN DI KELAS ...