Moreover, it was demonstrated that ssDNA formation at a replication fork Genes 2017, 8, 10 4 of 13 destines the fork to DNA double strand breaks and fragile site formation, as previously seen in the mec1 condiinti obontahl ramd5u3t aanndt...
3. System Modeling Maintaining a balance between revenue and expenditure is the key to the sustainable development of a DBSP in a certain area. Hence, the revenue and expenditure of the DBSP should be fully considered in this system. The system model description is first given in Section 3.1....
Uopf ttohteomdaayr, eMianlaoypsiearahtaiosniminpleMmaelanytesdiath[5e].B5U(pblteondtoodfa5y%, Mpaallmayosilaahnads 9i5m%plpeemtreonleteudmthdeieBse5l)(balnedndB7of(b5l%enpdaolmf 7%oilpaanlmd 9o5il%anpdet9r3o%leupmetrdoileesueml) adniedseBl7) b(bioledniedseolfp7r%ogpramlms oi...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Transthyretin: A Transporter Protein Essential for Proliferation of Myoblast in the Myogenic Program Eun Ju Lee 1,†, Smritee Pokharel 1,†, Arif Tasleem Jan 1, Soyeon Huh 1, Richelle Galope 1, Jeong Ho Lim 2, Dong-Mok Lee 2, Sung Wook...