Management of Diabetes mellitus and its complications by Lodhra: A review Review Article Observations: Among these ailment, it was also indicated for Prameha (Diabetes) in many authoritative books of A yurveda (First schedule of The Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940). Contemporary science also proofs...
For Perahia, the Prognosis Is Good; Pianist Returns to Concert Stage After Misdiagnosed Ailment Kept Him Out of ActionJoseph McLellan
For any human ailment, outcome assessment is a major step. In this chapter the prognosis of persistent apical periodontitis in root-filled teeth is discussed. However, the focus is on critically examining the evidence concerning this condition and giving a brief overview of the challenges the disci...
Vascular insufficiency, viral infections (including mumps, rubella, herpes simplex, herpes zoster and Epstein-Barr) and the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi have all been implicated as possible causes of the ailment.' An increased incidence of Bell's palsy has also been noted in patients with ...
Knowing facts about the disorder and understanding it gives the patient control over their ailment. Explaining in simple, easy to understand language instead of heavy medical jargon goes a long way in conveying some positivity in newly diagnosed patients.Popular vasculitis centers rope in the best ...