Objective: We aim to investigate the value of Complete Blood Counts (CBCs) and clinical symptomatology of patients in determining the prognosis of dengue fever in children aged 2-12 years. Study Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Place and Duration: This study was conducted in...
Dengue has a broad spectrum of clinical symptoms, ranging from asymptomatic infection, undifferentiated fever and dengue fever (DF) to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS). DHF and DSS are the most severe forms of the disease, as they involve bleeding and hypovolemic ...
Our focus is to observe clinical and physical diagnosis of chikungunya viral fever patients and its comparison with dengue viral fever. Our project aims to integrate different sources of information and to discover patterns of diagnosis, for predicting the viral infected patients and their results. ...
If we know the man-biting rate of a malaria vector (i.e. the number of bites per person per night), its expectation of infective life and its man-biting habit, (i.e. the frequency with which any individual female mosquito bites man), we can estimate the potential vectorial capacity of...
The association between tropical cyclones and dengue fever in the Pearl River Delta, China during 2013-2018: A time- stratified case-crossover study. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2021; 15:e0009776. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0009776 PMID:34499666 18. DeLong ER, DeLong DM, Clarke-Pearson...
This 21st century is notable for experiencing so many disturbances at economic, social, cultural, and political levels in the entire world. The outbreak of
Some circRNAs have microRNA (miRNA) binding response elements and interact with miRNA to regulate the expression of target genes.Four patients with a preliminary diagnosis of dengue fever (DF), peripheral whole blood sample in anticoagulant was collected before treatment (pretreatment group) and after...
DENGUE hemorrhagic feverREVERSE transcriptase polymerase chain reactionPROGNOSISDengue virus (DENV) induced severe manifestations is a precursor for fatality among infected patients. Previous autopsy examinations of severe dengue (SD) patients reported presence of apoptotic cells in liver, brain, intestinal ...
STUDY OF CLINICAL PROFILE AND ROLE OF HEMATOLOGICAL MARKERS IN PROGNOSIS OF DENGUE FEVER AT TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL, KIMS, KOPPALChavan, AnandDhanya K.Rajoor, UmeshGavisiddeshJournal of Cardiovascular Disease Research (Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research)...
It was carried by mosquitoes and this disease used to be called break-bone fever. Dengue is a quite dangerous febrile disease transmitted by aedus aegypti mosquito that can even cause death. In this paper, we proposed new fusion architecture to support the diagnosis of Arbovirus-Dengue. The ...