These tests allow the doctor to look at organs to see if there is any damage in the brain, such as a brain bleed or a tumor. Tests could include: Chest X-ray if heart disease is possible CT scan MRI Electroencephalogram, which detects brain waves and can check for diseases like epilepsy...
Search terms included “prognosis” and one of the following: “coma”, explode “head injury”, explode “brain injury”, explode “intracranial bleed.” A second search was also performed using the term “coma” and one of the following: “EEG” or “evoked potentials.” The criteria for...
In addition to lymphoproliferative syndrome, EBV is considered a risk factor for some cancers. One such canceris lymphomaof the brain. Lymphoma of the brain is most common in people with advancedAIDSbut also occurs in other immunosuppressed states. Nasopharyngeal cancer, Burkitt lymphoma (a type of...