Progestins can be administered alone or in combination with estrogens for birth control. Long-term contraception (e.g., depot injections, implants, IUDs) are progestin only. Their use is associated with menstrual irregularities, including abnormal bleeding. ▪ HRT is administered as estrogen only ...
(CDC3for continuation) •MedicationissueswithProgestinOnlyPills oCertaindrugsmayinteractwithProgestinOnlyPillsandmaydecreasethe effectivenessinpreventingpregnancy. 1 Revised1/2011,1/2012 AntiEpilepsyDrugs(AEDs)–mayalsobeusedtotreatcertainpsychiatricillnesses, headaches,chronicpainandotherconditions(CDC3) ...
found compared with the conventional short protocol (ref), for the Normal BMI women the hMG + MPA (4 or 10 mg/d) groups had the similar and higher odds of pregnancy and live birth, but for the high BMI women the hMG + MPA (10 mg/d) group had the highest odds of p...