While a man's testosterone level gradually falls with aging, there is not necessarily any relationship between hormone levels and the desire for sex. It is just one potential cause for decreased libido and your doctor may want to look for other causes in addition to just low testosterone ("lo...
Menopause Stages Perimenopause Menopause Postmenopause Causes of Menopause Natural Causes Induced Causes Menopause Symptoms Physical Symptoms Emotional Symptoms Menopause Symptoms Treatments General Articles Healthy progesterone hormone levels are crucial for women's reproductive and overall health. Accordingly, its...
HI, when I go to the doctor to start BHRT, what test should I ask to be done for post menopause? Is there a specific name for testing all male and female … Is supplementing with Estrogen ever a good idea? My doctor is very open to prescribing Bio-identical Progesterone to his patient...
Prior and her collaborators recruited 110 healthy Vancouver-area women who had recently reached postmenopause (a year after the final menstruation), giving half of them oral progesterone and the others a placebo for three months.
menopause and any adverse effects. The objectives of this study are to show that rhythmic dosing of bio-identical hormones that mimic a menstrual cycle, are possible, and may be more beneficial and have fewer side effects than the current standard of care for treating the symptoms of menopause...
produce progesterone. Unless fertilization takes place, the corpus luteum disappears when it has performed its function. The progesterone it has produced is promptly carried by the blood to the uterus, as was the estrogen previously. Both hormones now work to prepare the uterus for possible ...
Objective: To determine effectiveness of transdermal progesterone cream for controlling vasomotor symptoms and preventing postmenopausal bone loss. Methods: We randomly assigned 102 healthy women within 5 years of menopause to transdermal progesterone cream or placebo. Study subjects and investigators were mas...
Background: Within the last decade, adjuvant chemotherapy has become the treatment standard for post-menopausal women with one to three positive auxiliary lymph nodes (LN+) and estrogen and/or progesterone positive (ER+/PR+) early stage ... M Hannouf,M Brackstone,G Zaric - 《Cancer Research...
Preliminary evidence that progesterone can act as a bone-trophic hormone was initially collected in 1990 (Prior 1990). Since then a number of further reports are available which modify and extend the concepts presented in that paper. In particular, more work has recently been published on growth...
Effect of 3α-dihydroprogesterone and 5α-dihydroprogesterone on DCIS cells and possible impact for postmenopausal womenDuctal carcinoma in situpostmenopauseprogesterone metabolites.Objective: Progesterone metabolites 5α-dihydroprogesterone (5αP) and 3α-dihydroprogesterone (3αP) have opposite effects ...