Proforma Invoice和Commercial Invoice在定义、性质、内容与格式、作用与用途以及法律效力等方面存在显著差异。前者主要用于交易前的准备和确认阶段,而后者则贯穿整个交易过程并作为买卖双方交接货物和结算货款的主要依据。在实际国际贸易中,两者各司其职,共同促进交易的顺利进行。 #外贸# ...
网络形式发票和商业发票 网络释义 1. 形式发票和商业发票 4.形式发票和商业发票(Proforma Invoice and Commercial Invoice);5.产品图片,标签及外包装图片(Photos of goods,labeling and …|基于 1 个网页
答案:Proforma Invoice和Commercial Invoice是国际贸易中常用的两种发票类型,它们在用途、内容和法律效力上存在一定差异。解释:1. Proforma Invoice:用途与定义:形式发票主要用于预确认订单的细节。它并非正式的商业交易凭证,而是一种贸易双方在合同签订之前的初步信息交流的文档。内容特点:形式发票包含了预...
1.形式发票(PROFORMA INVOICE)相当于买卖双方的合同。 2.商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE)一般是用来给客人清关报税用的,通常其金额可以根据客人的需要开。 形式发票不是一种正式发票,不能用于托收和议付,它所列的单价等,也仅仅是进口商根据当时情况所作的估计,对双方都无最终的约束力,所以说形...
形式发票(PROFORMA INVOICE)和商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE)在国际贸易中扮演着不同角色。形式发票,相当于买卖双方的初步合同,旨在明确交易双方的初步意向和条件。商业发票则不同,它是正式的商业单据,用于清关和税务申报,其金额可基于客人需求进行调整。形式发票并非正式发票,不能用于托收和议付。它所...
一、含义不同 1、proforma invoice:proforma invoice(形式发票)亦称预开发票。出口商有时应进口商的要求,将准备出口货物的名称、规格、数量、单价、估计总值等等开立一种非正式的参考性发票 2、commercial invoice:commercial invoice(商业发票)是卖方开立的载有货物名称、数量、价格等内容的清单,作为...
在商业交易中,proforma invoice (PI) 和 commercial invoice (CI) 是两个关键的文件,它们在不同的阶段起着至关重要的作用。PI,通常在客户下单之前发送,它是供应商向客户提供的最终确认文件。这个文件包含了所有交易的详细条款,包括价格、数量、商品描述等。一旦客户收到PI并确认无误,他们通常会根据...
As we all know, documentation plays a crucial role in international trade and logistics. One particular document that often causes confusion is the pro forma invoice, which is frequently mistaken for a commercial invoice. So, if you're a New Zealand importer who has just read about commercia...
commercial invoice: Which to use and when. Learn the difference between a pro forma invoice and a commercial invoice to understand which one works for your individual business, how best to use it, and when it should be sent. Pro forma and commercial invoices are most often used in global ...
A proforma invoice and a commercial invoice have similar elements. However, there’s an obvious difference between the two. A proforma invoice has “proforma” written on it. Due to this, the buyer and the involved parties can clearly establish the document is only an estimate. On the other...