profit and loss adjustment account 损益调整帐户 net profit and loss account 纯损益计算 account form of profit and loss 帐户式损益表 相似单词 account n. 1.[C] 帐,帐目,帐单 2.[C] 帐户;客户 3.[C] 记述,描述;报导(+of) 4.[C] 解释,说明(+of) 5.[U] 根据,理由 6.[U] 估价;价值...
profit and loss appropriation account 英 [ˈprɒfɪt ənd lɒs əˌprəʊpriˈeɪʃn əˈkaʊnt] 美 [ˈprɑːfɪt ənd lɔːs əˌproʊpri&#...
1,appropriation account :拨款账户。profit and loss account :损益表。 2,区别:前者就是企业或者个人进行上下级财政支出或者收到财政补贴的转帐账户形式。 后者就不用我说了吧:一段时间内公司经营业绩的财务记录,反映了这段时间的销售收入、销售成本、经营费用及税收状况。报表结果为公司实现的利润...
英语解释 profit and loss appropriation account profit and loss appropriation account是什么意思、profit and loss appropriation account怎么读 profit and loss appropriation account汉语翻译 【经】 损益分配帐户(科目)
previous accounting period. Net profit at the end of the current year is also added to this account. Other credits may include money taken from the general reserve or any other account in which a surplus can be designated for a specific purpose in the profit and loss appropriation account. ...
美 英 un.损益拨款帐户 英汉 un. 1. 损益拨款帐户
1,appropriation account :拨款账户。profit and loss account :损益表。 2,区别:前者就是企业或者个人进行上下级财政支出或者收到财政补贴的转帐账户形式。 后者就不用我说了吧:一段时间内公司经营业绩的财务记录,反映了这段时间的销售收入、销售成本、经营费用及税收状况。报表结果为公司实现的...
英文 profit and loss appropriation account 中文 【经】 损益分配帐户(科目)最新查询: product rule product sampli product separa product set product shop product standa product strate product summar product suppor product tank product term product test product verifi product warran product water product ...
profit and loss appropriation account 损益分配帐户相关短语 real account (即资产帐户负债帐户及资本帐户) 实帐户 bottom line (损益表中最末一行) 末行数字 prime cost method (指负荷分配的方法) 主要成本法 nostro (本国银行在国外银行持有的外币帐户) 往帐 market price method (指联合成本的分配) 市价法 ...
profit and loss appropriation account是什么意思:经 损益分配帐户(科目)...,profit and loss appropriation account中英例句,英汉词典。