2. 3Trade receivable have a carrying amount of $10, 000. The related revenue has already been included in taxable profit. 应收帐款的帐面金额是$10,000,相关的收入已包括在应税利润。 3. Our price is realistic and is based on reasonable profit. ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook profit sharing (redirected fromProfit-sharing plan) Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia profit sharing n. A system by which employees receive a share of the profits of a business enterprise. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright...
Whether the profit on sale of a car in personal use for 6 years be taxable under provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 PROBLEM 1:Mr. X, a resident individual is maintaining a car for his personal use. He has sold the care after a period of 6 years at a profit...
They sold their house at a healthy profit.2 [uncountable] formal an advantage that you gain from doing something There’s no profit in letting meetings drag on.→ non-profitコロケーションadjectivesa big/huge profitDrug companies make huge profits.a quick profit (=happening quickly)They were...
If you have a profit or a loss, it gets combined with the other non-farming income reported on your return and increases or reduces your taxable income. Deductible farming expenses You can deduct the costs you incur that are an ordinary and necessary expense of farming on Schedu...
2.12 Taxation The taxation charged to the profit and loss account represents tax at the current rate based on taxable profits earned during the financial year. Deferred taxation in the balance sheet, computed based on the liability method, represents tax at current rates on the timing differences ...
The final consideration will be dependent on trading up to the date of completion. The sale is anticipated to realise a profit on disposal, which has not been recognised in this set of financial results. We are currently in the process of disposing of Legal & General France and Legal & ...
Remuneration as shown above includes salary, performance bonus paid during the year, house rent allowance, medical allowance, reimbursement of telephone bills, leave travel allowance, superannuation, other taxable allowances and Company's contribution to provident fund. 2. None of the above are ...
The decrease in tax was mainly resulted from the decrease in taxable profit from the Group. Earnings Per Share of Ordinary Shares Basic earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of ordinary shares of the parent was RMB1.57 in 2018, representing an increase of 2.6% from RMB1.53...
Reclassification of financial assets from 金融資產由可供出售投資 available-for-sale investments to 重新分類至按公平值 financial assets at fair value through 計入損益之金融資產 profit or loss Exchange differences on translation 換算海外業務的匯兌差額 of foreign operations Total compreh...