Emus are grazers consuming grass and insects. They can also be fed a supplement grain mix formulated especially for them, which includes corn, soybeans, wheat oats, and alfalfa. Optimal management approaches include a facility with pens and gated runs through which to transfer birds. Day-to-day...
We live on 10 acres, and we mow four of those acres. I don’t mind because I love the view of fresh cut grass in the front yard, and it’s a peaceful chore to do around the farm. But I don’t like to waste anything. Therefore, we bag all our grass from those four acres and...
In 2008, about 3,980,000 acres of soybeans were harvested and 161 million bushels were produced, while 3,780,000 acres of corn were harvested and 540 million bushels corn were produced. It is estimated that 66% of total soybeans and 55% of total corn in Ohio was used to produce soy...