非标准利润中心组可以再系统前台维护,也可以再后台维护.前台路径——Profit center accounting——>Master data——>Create/Change/Display Profit Center Group;后台路径:Profit Center Accounting——>MasterDATA——>Profit Center——>Maintain Profit Center Groups SAP相关产品: SAP GRC权限合规检查系统(简称AMS-R系...
非标准利润中心组可以再系统前台维护,也可以再后台维护.前台路径——Profit center accounting——>Master data——>Create/Change/Display Profit Center Group;后台路径:Profit Center Accounting——>MasterDATA——>Profit Center——>Maintain Profit Center Groups SAP相关产品: SAP GRC权限合规检查系统(简称AMS-R系...
Other than the above fields of SAP Profit Center Master Data Table, you can find the Address fields (street, phone … ) for the Profit Center. R/3 Path Accounting > Controlling > Profit Center Accounting > Information System > Reports for Profit Center Accounting > LineItem Reports > Profit...
非标准利润中心组可以再系统前台维护,也可以再后台维护.前台路径——Profit center accounting——>Master data——>Create/Change/Display Profit Center Group;后台路径:Profit Center Accounting——>MasterDATA——>Profit Center——>Maintain Profit Center Groups 转载于SAP学习门户网,原文链接:http://www.sap6....
The profit center master data table in SAP is CEPC, and the corresponding long texts are stored in table CEPCT. See below the definition of a profit center, where to find in SAP table viewer the contents of the table tables storing the SAP profit center data, and also where to create a...
The profit center master data table in SAP is CEPC, and the corresponding long texts are stored in table CEPCT. See below the definition of a profit center, where to find in SAP table viewer the contents of the table tables storing the SAP profit center data, and also where to create a...
SAP 利润中心Profit center维护 事物代码KE51 删除利润中心 事物代码KE54 方法/步骤 1 在主界面指令框内输入事物代码KE51,输入完成后回车,进入创建利润中心界面,输入红框内字段内容,输完回车;2 回车后进入操作界面,输入相应字段内容;3 点击公司代码按钮进入下一界面,在下图选择利润中心与公司代码分配关系,因...
Most of the master data in EC-PCA originates from Profit Center Accounting (see Basic Functions). This data is typically created and maintained separately in Profit Center Accounting. The master data includes the master records for the individual profit centers, as well as the corresponding standar...
Create Profit Center Group To create Profit Center Group − Step 1− UseT-code: KCH1or go to Accounting → Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Master Data → Profit Center Group → Create. Step 2− Enter the Controlling Area in which the profit center is to be created. ...
First, you can enter a period during which actual or plan data can be posted to the profit center. Second, you can define time-based fields when you customize Profit Center Accounting. Time-based fields let you change information in the profit center master record, such as the person respons...