The profit center master data table in SAP is CEPC, and the corresponding long texts are stored in table CEPCT.
In our team there is a suggestion came to create each Project as a Profit Center and also as a cost center. Since SAP PS is a cost object and WBS can handle Both Cost and Revenue and also possible to map Project Cash Management, what are the additional benefits will get by creating ea...
1、利润中心会计(ProfitCenterAccounting)1基本设置(BasicSettings)ProfitCenterAccountingBdskzSettingsQSetControllingAiea13ControllingA的Settings昌令MaintainControllingAreaSettings2j心ActivateDirectPostingsSetContfdParametersforAct山DataPlanVersions,MaintainPlanVersions昌AdjustLineItems&rdTotalsRecordsmQr超AnalyseSetti 2、...
To create a profit center in SAP, navigate in the SAP tree to accounting > controlling > profit center accounting > master data > profit center > individual processing > tcode KE51 create profit center. The transaction code to create profit center in SAP is KE51 create profit center. Create...
SAP的常见Currencies关系(Skip) Profit center currency: Controlling area currency: Group currency: Operating currency: 这些currency的关系如何? [3]Tcode:1KEF 设置EC-PCA实际数据控制参数,如图4-[1]表示是否需要传输Actual data line item, 图4-[2]表示FI|CO的数据实时在线传输到EC-PCA模块,如没设置Locked标...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development According to three tables(as below), i get profit center group, how to get its description? CEPC (Profit Center Master Data Table) SETLEAF SETNODE PS:(Referrence to teh link ) For Profit centre Group ( SETLEAF-SETNAME ) Select BSEG-BUKRS /...
SAP Table GLPCA_CT Description Profit Center Documents Table Type TRANSP Delivery Class L Main Category Financial Accounting Sub Category General Ledger Accounting SAP General Ledger Accounting Tables TableDescriptionModule ACAC_OBJECTS Manual Accruals: Accrual Objects FI-GL ACEDSASSGMT Standard Account Ass...
perform feldauswahl_status(sapmv45a) using 'VBAP-PS_PSP_PNR' da_status. i have chcked in SAP Note 1062986. and 893699. Is there any alteranative solution to over come this problem. thanks in advance kumar.k Hi, In sales document profit center is come from material master, So when yo...
在此你设置的Controllingarea就是接下来0KE5维护的Controlling area,可能集团会使用多个Controlling area(详细请回顾本书CO的一般控制设置章节).[2]Tcode:0KE5 图2-[1]设置Dummy profit center,成本对象Account assignment如没抓到profit center(比如记帐时cost center主数据忘记维护profit center,OKB9也没维护)就取它...
SAP Managed Tags: Security Security Topic View products (1) Dear All, Is it possible to restrict user id with a particular profit center?? What We need is that every user id should be restricted for a particular profit center. (In our company , profit center is for external reporting ...