profit and loss account n.表示:损益账 如:The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet. 该损益帐目表明子上次资产负债表以来已经发生的变动。 后者account是账户(财务记载、分类等),前者 statement 是账单(财务某一时间段的说明表格) ...
初级u16中的income statement不是收益表的意思嘛?课件显示是损益表,而且损益表的表达在班u13中写的是profit and loss account? 网校学员CHO**在学习BEC商务英语初中级【四项全能实战签约班】时提出了此问题,已有1人帮助了TA。 网校助教 熙熙0315 同学你好,该知识点来自沪江网校《BEC商务英语初中级【四项全能实战...
6-profit and loss account Profitandlossaccount(incomestatement) (1)Revenues Inflowsorotherenhancementsofassetsofanentityorsettlementsofitsliabilities(orcombinationofboth)fromdeliveringorproductinggoods,renderingsevices,orotheractivitiesthatconstitutetheentitysongoingmajororcentraloperation (2)salessalesrevenues ...
The profit and loss report | income statement isthemost important and basic of reports that any business should produce, and is not very difficult to do. How to Calculate Account Profit A business cannot show a profit at the same time as a loss. It can only be one or the other. To c...
This chapter focuses on the income statement (also called the profit and loss account): what it is and what is its purpose? The income statement is a financial statement that shows the profit or loss earned by the business in a particular accounting period. The first item shown on the ...
复数:profit and loss accounts 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 profit-and-loss-account n. 1. 损益账a list that shows the amount of money that a company has earned and the total profit or loss that it has made in a particular period of time ...
类似于 "profit and loss" 的短语,可翻译成 中文 profit-and-loss statement 清算账目·账目 profit and loss transaction 损益交易记录 profit and loss account 损益帐·损益科目·损益表·损益账·损益账户·盈亏账目 profit and loss statement 损益帐·损益表·损益账户·損益表·收益表·财务执行情况...
Related to profit-and-loss statement:income statement ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. profit-and-loss statement- a financial statement that gives operating results for a specific period earnings report,income statement,operating statement ...
BBCa financial statement showing a company’s income, spending, and profit over a particular period 损益账〔反映公司某一时期收支和利润情况的报表〕 Examples from the Corpus profit and loss account• Draw up a balance sheet and profit and loss account for Stern.• The minority interest charge...
A profit and loss statement (P&L), also called anincome statementorstatement of operations, is a financial report that shows a company's revenues, expenses and net profit or loss over a given period of time. The time period can be of any length, but it is usually a month, quarter or...