Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp. Seeprofit and loss accountin the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary Check pronunciation:profit and loss account...
• How do debtors affect the profit and loss account?• The only difficult figure in the balance sheet, apart from the profit and loss account balance, is the minority interest.• Any loss arising should be charged in the profit and loss account.• Are losses being taken and shown ...
amounts for the immediately preceding financial year for all items shown in the profit and loss account. RTI, Jaipur Profit and Loss Account • Profit and Loss Account must be prepare so as to clearly disclose the results of the working of the Company during the period covered by the ...
•Be able to analyze the key issue within a profit and loss account Unit 3 profit and loss account损益表 •What is profit? •The numbers •Uses of the P&L account 1、What is profit? •Profit is the return on the enterprisefactor of production, a reward to the entrepreneur for...
Profit&LossKeyTerms RefertotheProfit&Loss exampleattheendofthis section. RefertotheProfit&Loss exampleattheendofthis section. Usuallydividedintothree distinctsections………. Usuallydividedintothree distinctsections………. ExplanationofProfit&LossKeyTerms TheTradingAccount SalesRevenue/Turnover numberofitems...
Create account Sign in Create flashcards CoursesEnglish Polish Dictionary P profit and loss account English Polish Dictionary - profit and loss account in Polish: 1. rachunek zysków i strat Wiesz co to rachunek zysków i strat? Polish word "profit and loss account"(rachunek zysków i ...
profit and loss account Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Financial,Wikipedia. an account that shows the revenue and expenditure of a business during a given period, resulting in a net profit or loss, and provides a link between successive balance sheets. ...
debit) of any profit and loss account. [...] 提述任何儲備金或同 類準 備金,而不論其名 稱或稱謂 如何 (亦不論其款額 是正 或是負 );在不影響前 述條文的一般 性的原則下,在第(1)(f)款中, 凡 提述該等 現有儲備金,均包括提述損 益表內貸方 (或借方 )所記的任何數 ...
Noun1.profit and loss account- an account compiled at the end of an accounting period to show gross and net profit or loss profit and loss account statement,accounting,account- a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month" ...
6-profit and loss account Profitandlossaccount(incomestatement) (1)Revenues Inflowsorotherenhancementsofassetsofanentityorsettlementsofitsliabilities(orcombinationofboth)fromdeliveringorproductinggoods,renderingsevices,orotheractivitiesthatconstitutetheentitysongoingmajororcentraloperation (2)salessalesrevenues t...