在Android Studio中打开Profiler工具,确保选择了正确的设备和应用进程。通过以上步骤,你应该能够解决“No supported devices”的问题。如果问题仍然存在,可能需要考虑设备本身的兼容性问题,或者尝试在其他计算机上连接设备以排除硬件或环境因素的影响。
解决Android Profiler 不支持设备的问题 在Android开发中,Android Profiler是一个非常有用的工具,可以帮助开发者分析应用程序的性能和内存使用情况。然而,有时候在连接设备时,Android Profiler可能会提示“no supported devices”的错误,导致无法使用该功能进行调试和优化。 问题原因 通常情况下,Android Profiler会支持大多数...
通过按照上述步骤,您应该能够解决"android profiler No supported devices"的问题。请确保设备已正确连接,开发者选项已启用,ADB驱动程序已正确安装,并且ADB已添加到系统路径中。然后,您将能够成功启动Android Profiler工具并检查设备的性能。祝您在Android开发中顺利前行!
Devices with compute capability 6.0 and higher have a new feature that gives latency reasons. The latency samples indicate the reasons for holes in the issue pipeline. While collecting these samples, there is no instruction issued in the respective warp scheduler and hence these give the latency ...
给出的链接进去看了,让配置环境参量,但是不知道如何配置,网上查了下需要在程序里面配置gpu的代号,配置过了没有用,希望有人帮帮忙,谢谢 警告:Unified Memory Profiling is not supported on the current configuration because a pair of devices without peer-to-peer support is detected on this multi-GPU setup...
Driverless hardware event-based sampling analysis requirements: Linux kernel version 2.6.32 up to 6.11, exporting CPU PMU programming details over /sys/bus/event_source/devices/cpu/format file systemRemoval Notice on Integrated GPU: Intel® oneAPI tools support for integrated graphics processors is...
Driverless Perf based collections on ADL is supported by Linux kernel since 5.15.5. To check if your kernel supports driverless collection on ADL architecture, check for the following device files: /sys/bus/event_source/devices/cpu_atom
(No hidden) Costs Affordable tool. Uses low-cost probes to connect to the target. Easy deployment in existing software development environments via command-line batch mode. Reduces system production cost by preventing the use of overdimensioned hardware. SUPPORTED DEVICES The TASKING Embedded Profi...
Devices with compute capability 6.0 and higher have a new feature that gives latency reasons. The latency samples indicate the reasons for holes in the issue pipeline. While collecting these samples, there is no instruction issued in the respective warp scheduler and hence these give the latency ...
Unity also automatically detects any devices that are running on your network or connected via USB, and displays them in the drop-down. Click Enter IP in the drop-down to manually enter the IP address of the device you want to profile your application on. For more information, see Profiling...