The results obtained in this study can be used to better understand the functionality and food applications of protein-rich pseudocereal ingredients. Keywords: pseudocereal; cereal; protein-rich ingredients; macronutrient; protein profile; morphology; rheological properties 1. Introduction The global ...
Applying a stochastic approach, charging points are modelled via probabilities to determine the start of charging, plug-in duration, and charged energy. Subsequently, load profiles are calculated, integrated into an energy system model and applied in order to analyze the effects of a high density ...
These data provide biochemical insights into TSPO-associated function in RPE cells and may shed light on disease mechanisms in AMD. Keywords: TSPO; metabolites; retinal pigment epithelial cells; age related macular degeneration 1. Introduction Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a cumulative ...
GGrroowwtthhPPeerrffoorrmmaannccee,, AAcciiddiiffiiccaattiioonn CCaappaabbiilliittyy,, aanndd DDeeggrreeee ooff PPrrootteeoollyyssiiss AAss iitt wwaass pprreevviioouussllyysshhoowwnn, ,inincocmompparairsiosnonwwithithotohtehrelracltaicctaicciadcibdacbtaecritae,riBai,fiBdoifbidacotbearcia...
Experiment 1: Investigating the Influence of HRRP Sequence Length on Recognition Performance In this sub-section, five individual models were trained by the data with different sequence Inletnhgitshssu(Lb-=se1c,t5io, n1,0,fi1v5e, 2in0,d3i0v)i.dWuael amlsoodtrealisnewdeCrelatsrsaRiBnMeds...
molecules Communication Monitoring the Chemical Profile in Agarwood Formation within One Year and Speculating on the Biosynthesis of 2-(2-Phenylethyl)Chromones Ge Liao 1,2,†, Wen-Hua Dong 1,2,†, Jin-Ling Yang 1,3 ID , Wei Li 1,3, Jun Wang 1,3, Wen-Li Mei 1,3,* and Hao-Fu...
Our data revealed the impact of CC harvesting strategy in basil, and that this strategy offers the possibility to yield leaves with different metabolomics profiles and quality attributes. Keywords: leafy vegetables; cut-and-come-again; yield; nitrogen; antioxidants; metabolomics; secondary metabolites ...