“The Republicans are trying to sow discord, to try to create angst and tsuris in our community, and we can’t let that happen. We have to stand up and we have to speak in parlor meetings, when we’re out to dinner with friends, when we’re playing Mahjong.” While there hav...
Jccat76 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jccat76/art/Im-so-bored-also-now-have-a-discord-dm-me-1104738191Jccat76 Im so bored, also now have a discord dm me? Jccat76 30 Jccat76 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jccat76/art/Can-we-get-at-least-5-comments-1094081053Jc...
if you are loyal and trustworthy. It is also possible for me to like someone and not trust them at all. Please know that I don't accept random friend requests from strangers. I may only accept once we've gotten to know each other a little UwU Let's do discord once we're close ...