您好!Win10,profilemagepath,原来的数值数据:1. 按下Win+R,打开运行窗口;2. 输入“regedit”,进入注册表编辑器;3. 定位至HYEK_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SessionManager\Environment;4. 右键点击修改,将数值数据一栏全选并复制;5. 右键点击“此电脑”,选择“属性”;6. 在...
The only option I see now is modify the registry “ProfileDirectory” located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList to the desired location. This change needs to be done as the local admin and then have the user login using the work account. If any ...
PartnerAppProvisioningFilePath - Windows 10 hardware dev BurstSupported - Windows 10 hardware dev UserPreferenceWidth - Windows 10 hardware dev BurnInProtectionMaskSwitchingInterval - Windows 10 hardware dev EVDODEFAULT - Windows 10 hardware dev ConvertibleSlateHint - Windows 10 hardware dev DisabledAllow...
可选之后再在终端中输入$env:POSH_PATH并回车,不出意外的话会打印出 oh-my-posh 的安装位置 把这个...
2. Migrating User Profile to A New PC in Windows 10/8/7 Step 1Switch on the new computer. After that, connect the storage tool. Then, select the "Open Backup and Restore (Windows 7)" option. Step 2There is the option "Select another backup to restore files from," click on it. ...
(x86)\Common Files%CommonProgramW6432%=C:\Program Files\Common Files%COMPUTERNAME%=MyPC%ComSpec%=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe%HOMEDRIVE%=C:%HOMEPATH%=\Users\用户名%LOGONSERVER%=\\MicrosoftAccount%OS%=Windows_NT%ProgramW6432%=C:\Program Files%PUBLIC%=C:\Users\Public%TEMP%=C:\Users\...
In the Arguments box, enter /r <path> <OPS file name>. After Microsoft Project is installed, Windows Installer starts all the applications you specify on the Add Installations and Run Programs page, in the order in which you specify them. ...
Windows 8.1 Windows Server 2012 R2 V4 Windows 10, version 1607 and later. Windows Server 2016 and later V6 For example, if a profile is being creating for Windows v20H2, the path to the profile folder might be \server\share\profile.v6, with the extension indicating which version....
PrivateProfile_LogFile 指定私人設定檔之 Windows 防火牆的預設記錄檔。 值 展開資料表 LogFilePathAndName 指定預設記錄檔。 LogFilePathAndName 是字串。 預設值是 D:\Windows\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log。 父階層 Networking-MPSSVC-Svc | PrivateProfile_LogFile 有效的設定階段 特殊化 套用至 如...
Fix 3: Solve Temporary profile in Windows 11 issue using registry Fix: Temporary Profile in Windows 11/10 Fix 1: Create a new user account Open the Settings app and go toAccounts > Other accounts. Click onAdd accountbutton against the Add other user under other users. ...