profile of older Americans 来自 AGRIS 喜欢 0 阅读量: 76 作者: DG Fowles 摘要: Focuses on the demographic trends in the aging population in the United States. Increase in number of older Americans from 1990 to 1995; Average life expectancy of people reaching age 65; Major source of ...
This study aims to describe the ageing situation in the Philippines and to provide a national portrait of older Filipinos, focusing on their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, health status and household conditions. Data are mainly drawn from the 1990, 2000 and 2010 Philippine Census of ...
Addressing the care needs of older adults in the United States is complex and challenging, especially considering that more than half of Americans aged 65 years and older have three or more chronic diseases, often accompanied by cognitive impairment. Thus, it is imperative to identify the types ...
Administration on Aging, "A Profile of Older Americans," 2010, Statistics/Profile/ 2009/2.aspx.A Profile of Older Ameri-cans 2009. Administration on Aging. . 2009Administration on Aging (2009). A profile of older Americans.Washington, DC: U.S. Department...
Overall, the HICP population was more likely >45 years of age, predominantly white (but with a larger proportion of African Americans, native Americans, and Asian Indians vs the CPWL population), of lower educational level, and have higher rates of divorce/separation. Comorbid Chronic Health ...
Housing NeedsSenior HousingWith the aging of America, policy concerns at the intersection of housing and health for older Americans are growing. In a signal study a decade ago, the CommisEngelhardt, Gary V.Eriksen, Michael D.Greenhalgh-Stanley, Nadia...
Abstract provides a demographic overview of the work and familial situations of older Americans who are near the age of retirement / age-related patterns of employment and family circumstances for men and women aged 50 to 74 years old are emphasized / targets the heterogeneity of the older popula...
Psychological stress is a suggested risk factor of metabolic disorders, but molecular mediators are not well understood. We investigated the association between the metabolic profiles of fasting plasma and the improvement of psychological well-being usin
Shapiro brought his stump speech, which he has dubbed “affirmative freedom” and used to bring crowds to their feet since his 2022 campaign for governor, to its biggest stage yet on Wednesday night. Drawing upon imagery of the American Revolution and the Civil Rights movement, he address...
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