ProfileofMoodStates (POMS) JenniferA.Haythornthwaite,Ph.D. RobertR.Edwards,Ph.D. DepartmentofPsychiatry &BehavioralSciences JohnsHopkinsUniversity Baltimore,MarylandUSA POMS:Basics ?Original:65adjectivesratedon5-pointscale 0=notatall;1=alittle;2=moderately; 3=quiteabit;4=extremely ?Timeframe ?“Howyou...
Lake Superior State UniversityKaitlyn MontoneLake Superior State UniversityMcNair DM, Lorr M, Droppleman LF. Profile of Mood States. San Diego, Calif: Education and Industrial Testing Service; 1992.McNair, D. A., Lorr, M., & Droppelman, L. F. (1971). Profile of mood states. San Diago...
Consisting of 65 items, the POMS was designed to evaluate individuals within seven different mood domains: fatigue-inertia, anger-hostility, vigor-activity, confusion-bewilderment, depression-dejection, tension-anxiety, and friendliness. The scale has been recommended for evaluating affective changes over ...
Used with these instructions, the POMS 2 measures relatively recent mood state elevations. If one changes the instructions to respond as to, ‘how you feel RIGHT NOW’ then the instrument measures emotional states. Indeed, both the POMS and POMS 2 have been used extensively as measures of ...
心境状态量表( Profile of mood states,POMS) 投稿/科研合作 联系我们:137704924或372699348 群1:医患交流群;群2:科研讨论群 填写问卷主要有以下三种方式: 1.点击左下角阅读全文 2.手机长按以下二维码识别或通过手机扫描以下二维码
1) Profile of mood states 情感状态问卷2) profile of mood state 情绪状态问卷 1. Method The mood states of 18 healthy male volunteers were evaluated by self assessment questionnaires, profile of mood state (POMS) and state anxiety inventory (S AI) after random exposure to simulated altitude ...
The Profile of Moods States (POMS) is a 65-item multi-dimensional measure that provides a rapid, economical method of assessing transient, fluctuating active mood states. Key areas that are measured include: tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, fatigue-inertia, depression-dejection, vigor-activity, con...
The result shows that those coaches are in poor mental state of pre-competition. 利用简式心境状态量表(POMS)中国修订版,对参加陕宁青新四省区高校排球联赛的56名教练员进行了问卷调查与分析。 更多例句>> 4) mood [英][mu:d] [美][mud] 心境状态 1. We choose anxiety,psychological fatigue and...
摘要: POMS Mood may be defined as a short-term feeling state that may fluctuate within minutes to days. In contrast to emotions, moods are more transient, often unrelated to external events and have varying...DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_63-1 被引量: 26 ...
The aim of our study was to determine how six mood indicators (vigour, fatigue, depression, anger, confusion, tension) depend on moderate to vigorous physical activity, walking time and sedentary time at work, after working hours and during leisure time, in men and women of different age grou...