For pre-service English teachers, taking proficiency test mainly before they enroll microteaching course and school teaching practice program in their final year of study is very important because it can give them information about what linguistic competence, they need to enhance so they can deliver ...
Parallel with the descriptive level of the studied digital variables, the positive correlations found among the studied digital variables in this study revealed that students with a knowledge and awareness of digital transformation services and applications were more likely to hold positive attitudes towar...
This course, taken prior to clerkships, aims to prepare medical students for their clinical rotations and includes didactic, interactive, and simulation components. One of the simulation activities is a suturing and knot-tying curriculum in which students are taught how to tie a simple interrupted ...
The US Navy seeks to leverage the tools, methods, and principles of data science to achieve a warfighting advantage over the nation’s enemies—an advantage that depends on making better-informed decisions in near real-time environments on topics such as operational flexibility, tactical techniques,...