The major features of PROFIBUS DP are high transmission speed and simple data exchange. It can run on baudrates from 9.6kbps to 12Mbps. What’s more, themaximum cable lengthis inversely proportional to the baudrate. In other words, the higher the baudrate, the shorter the cable. Typical ...
Themaximumpermissiblecablelength(segmentlength)ofaPROFIBUSsystemde- pendsonthespeedoftransmission.Only32transmitters,accordingtothefieldbus standardPROFIBUS-DP,maybeoperatedwithinanyonesegment. Maximumlengthofsegmentasafunctionofthebaudrate: Baudrate[kBit/s]9.6–187.5500150012000 Lengthofasegment[m]1000400200100 The...
Twisted-pair cable. Verify that wiring, cables, and connected interfaces meet the PELV requirements. The maximum cable length depends on the baud rate and the signal propagation delay, that is, shorter bus cable for higher baud rate. Data rate (kbps) 9.6 19.2 93.75 187.5 500...
3)ThemaximumSpurlengthwithonedeviceis120 mi;30mlessforeachadditiondevice. Thenumberoftransmittersordevicesthatcanbe connectedtoabusisprimarilydependentonthe For_furtherinformation,seeSupplementary transmittersydevicespowerconsumption,thetypeof Documentationlistatthebeginningofthismanual. cable,numberofspurs,totalcable...
Wave length860 nm Optical input powermin. -28 dBm, max. -3 dBm Launchable optical powerin multi-mode fiber (50/125): (50/125): -15 dBm (62,5/125): - 13 dBm Cable lengthMulti-mode fiber (MM) 50/125: 3 km with A = 3 dB/km; 3 dB buffer ...
The available data rates depend on the type of cable and total cable length used on the network: Baud Rate 9.6 K 19.2 K 45.45 K 93.75 K 187.5 K 500 K 1.5 M 3M 6M 12 M Maximum Cable Length 1000 m 1000 m 1000 m 1000 m 1000 m 400 m 200 m 100 m 100 m 100 m Datalink - A...
2016 Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd.All rights strictly reserved. No part of this document may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means to persons not employed by a Parker SSD Drives company without written permission from Parker Automation Wuxi, a division...
30.09.2009 Page 1 C-DIAS Profibus DP Slave module CPB 021 The C-DIAS Profibus DP slave module CPB 021 serves as an interface module between the C-DIAS control system and Profibus. This module supports a galvanically separated Profibus slave. Technical Data Performance data
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The length statements in the tables above are valid provided that bus cable with the following properties is used: The numbers on the following drawing indicate the - Impedance: 135 to 165 ohm maximum number of stations in each segment. They at a measuring frequency from 3 to are not the ...